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Youth Mentoring
wellbeing and academic mentoring

Learning hub

Employment possibilities are enhanced Employers report that young people are either job-ready or training-ready Unemployment is reduced

To provide well-being coaching for Otorohanga College students who require individual mentoring and support to improve resilience, positive self-esteem and confidence in order to become the best they can be.


Students equipped to:

  • Build self-awareness, self-belief, internal resources and resilience

  • Focus on their potential and the future

  • Create their own tool-kit of resources and strategies to use at anytime

  • Set realistic goals towards change

  • Create and achieve steps towards these goals

  • Look for feedback and measure their progress

What is a youth Mentor?

A mentor for college students who help young people to

  • Set realistic goals​

  • Create steps towards those goals
  • Create a space or an environment in which change can occur

  • Look for feedback and measure progress

  • Build self-awareness, self-belief, internal resources and resilience

  • Focus on their potential and the future

  • Create their own tool kit of resources and strategies to use at anytime

  • Be empowered to plan and take steps on a path towards change, support people to move forward on their journey through life

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'' asked Alice.

"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. 
"I don't much care where - " said Alice. 
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat 


- Lewis Carmi!


From Alice's Adventures in Wonder!and (2002, p.53)

Learning Styles


Discovering each young person’s learning style to better help them get the most out of learning.

Individual Reflection: Business as Usual 

To understand how easy it is to fall back into a routine of business as usual, try this kinaesthetic exercise. Fold your hands the ay you normally do. Notice which thumb is on top. Now refold your hands with the opposite thumb on top. How does that feel? Pretty uncomfortable, right? Now go back to the familiar way. Feels pretty good! But which way are you more aware of the position of your fingers? Probably the new way. The old way is business as usual; the new way is your learning edge, the place where you are more conscious, aware, and intentional. Our tendency is to unconsciously return to what is comfortable, but the "discomfort zone" is where we are most alert and focused. Goal-setting requires intentionality and purpose. It is not business as usual; in fact, it is just the opposite - it is business as unusual.

Jan O'Neill and Anne Conzemuius with Carol Commodore and Carol Pulsufus


From The Power of SMART Goals (2006)

Where and when?






Contact number:



Otorohanga College and Harvest Rock Centre


Jenny Edwards


027 242 7936

Building confidence so that Kiwis can fly

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